Our Staff


Josh & Georgie Kelsey

Founding Pastors


Staff leadership

Ryan Schlachter

new york location pastor


Amy Perez

chief of staff

As the very first staff member at Fount, Pastor Amy's roles have ranged from kids pastor, to creative producer, and communications director. Now, she serves as our Chief of Staff, helping bring structure and leadership to our staff team. When not using both her gifting to teach the Bible and create systems, Amy is spending time with her husband Jason and their two cats.

our team

Luis Guerrero

Manhattan Service Pastor

Tameeka Walker

worship director

Kevin Myers

Manhattan Dinner Party Pastor

Mike Lark

Chief Financial Officer

David Walker Jr

production director

Carter Gekiere

creative director

Stephanie Rivas

kids ministry director

Chantel Corley

Logistics Coordinator

board of trustees

David Chan

Franke Rodriguez

Mike Lark

Josh Kelsey

Georgie Kelsey

Fount NYC is part of a global network of churches. To find more about that network and leadership/oversight structure, click here.