
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”
1 John 3:1

Baptism is an outward testimony of the inward change in your life. It declares your faith,shares in Christ’s burial and resurrection, symbolizes death to your old life, announces your new life in Christ and commitment to the local church. Baptism is also a celebration of your inclusion in God’s family.

Upcoming Baptism Dates


Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be saved or committed to following Jesus to get baptized?
Can I be baptized again if I've been baptized before?
Does Fount baptize children or infants?
Can I be baptized if I don't attend Fount?
Is there anything I can be doing to prepare my heart for baptism? Any scriptures to read?
What should I do after I'm baptized?