Do You Love Me?

When Jesus comes to visit the disciples on the beach after his resurrection, he comes in gentleness and love. Through his interaction with Peter, we see he is restored through grace and truth that is freely given to him regardless of his previous failures. In this Sunday’s message, Pastor Ryan Schlachter shows the importance of fellowship with God, the extreme measures of grace shown to us, and the power of God’s words over our circumstances.

The Call
John 21:1-6

  • Peter made an effort to get where Jesus was not to make up for what we have done, but to simply be near him. He recognized that he needed to be where Jesus was.
  • In the history of humanity there has never been one person too far away from the grace of God.

The Fellowship
John 21:7-14

  • It’s not just about the fact that Jesus has resurrected from the dead, but Jesus has prepared breakfast for them.
  • The meal was prepared not because of the good works that the disciples had, but because of God’s abundant grace.
  • “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8
  • God’s lordship cannot be experienced without our fellowship with him
  • The rightful posture of worshiping and honoring God is enjoying that which God has prepared for us.
  • Jesus is not providing for you because of how much you are able to accomplish. He provides for you because he loves you.

The Restoration
John 21:15-17

  • Jesus is not shaming Peter by asking if he loves him. There’s kindness, gentleness, but also a moment of truth.
  • Jesus restores Peter up close. You cannot be restored by the presence of God without being in the presence of God.
  • You not receiving the forgiveness of God is a form of pride because you think your mistakes are bigger than his blood.
  • Even in our strength, we need the words of Jesus to get to the core of who we are.
  • When we put ourselves in a position to truly hear from God, we will realize we are more loved than we have ever imagined.
  • The forgiveness that Jesus gives us is totality. There is grace for all of Peter’s failures, but a lot of times we act like there is only grace for the first failure.
  • Sin is a cheap version of what we are looking for in the presence of God.
  • It is the restoration of our souls that empowers us to tell other people that there is a God who cares for them
  • God is not restoring Peter to just get into heaven, he’s restoring him for the work ahead.

Dinner Party Questions

  1. What is your proximity to grace today? Do you feel you are near forgiveness or closer to shame?
  2. How can you enjoy the presence of God this week?
  3. Jesus restores Peter into a great commission. What are you restored and graced for?

Brooklyn Message Audio

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