As a church, we have been experiencing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit since Tuesday, July 2nd. God has been leading us to strip back to the basics in order to help us learn who we are and recognize our identity. In this Sunday’s message, lead Pastor Josh Kelsey gives five points on how we can continue to seek the presence of God corporately and individually.


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” —1 John 1:9

  • What do you need to confess to God to get honest with him?
  • If we want to be stripped back to what we truly are, new creations in Christ, it has to start with confession.
  • The confession that God desires is the overwhelming sense and reality is that God loves me.
  • The consequence of being honest is not wrath, but grace.
  • The starting place before confession is a fresh revelation that God loves me.
  • The approval of man becomes detrimental when you make it your fount. You are approved by God through the cross.


"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” —James 4:10

  • God is looking for a humble church.
  • There are moments where it may feel humiliating and vulnerable, but there is freedom when we walk in humility.
  • Humility is not timidity, but boldness because you are doing things while not caring about the opinion of man.
  • Jesus went to the cross and was humiliated, beaten, and scorned by man.
  • The most humble moment in all human history is the moment that brought so much freedom.
  • Why do we think our freedom lies in our success? The blueprint for freedom is to go low with God.


"If you love me, you will keep my commandments." —John 14:15

  • We think revival is outside, but it starts with us as individuals stepping in obedience.
  • One moment of obedience in your life is better than a thousand moments of striving.
  • This is the work God desires—to minister to him
  • Often we are about impressing others and putting on performances while neglecting the work he requires.
  • We keep hearing a call and running to man when it’s God calling us into a deeper purpose for our life. You will never have true freedom until you realize why you were made.


"Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out." —Acts 3:19

  • You could confess your sins today but not walk in repentance.
  • Repentance is to have a change of mind, to turn in your thinking.
  • Often we neglect the first work because we feel unworthy, causing us to turn inward.
  • The goal of the gospel is friendship.
  • In the Old Testament they served God, but there wasn’t a deep friendship with him. This is the work of the cross: that we would be friends with Jesus.
  • You are royalty, you have an inheritance. He gave us forgiveness so that we would no longer be slaves to sin.


"As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?" —Psalm 42:1-2

  • No one can make you want living water. You have to decide to surrender your will and come to the well and drink of him.
  • Revival is the easy part. The hard part is having an inner conviction that leads to desperation, to come back to the first work.
  • I want to be more desperate tomorrow than I am today.There’s always another moment to surrender to God.

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