Night school is the course-centered ministry of Fount with the purpose of building up church members through the teaching of doctrine, topical studies and practical application of spiritual gifts.
As believers, we're called to love God and love people, and yet few of us have learned the skills or gained the competency to love well in our daily relationships. We live with broken relationships, unresolved conflicts, inability to speak the truth, pretending things are fine because we're concerned about being nice. In the Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course, you will learn 8 practical relationship skills to develop mature, loving relationships with others.
Prayer Course
In Person: 421 W 54th St
Taught by Carter Gekiere
In Luke 11:1, Jesus’ disciples famously ask him “Teach us how to pray!” In turn, Jesus shares a prayer—inviting his followers to not just learn about prayer but practice it. So whether you’re new to faith, maybe you’re struggling with your prayer life or have a hunger to grow closer to God, this four week course will make space be with God in order to become like him and partner with him in the world.
Elements Course
In Person: 421 W 54th St
Taught by Pastor Ryan Schlachter
Elements is a theological study that offers one seminary-level course over one 8-week semester, which will be used to establish and strengthen foundations beliefs about the Bible, the church and the person of Jesus. Elements' intention is to build a strong root system for believers while also instilling a love of the local church through impartation and application.
Daughter's Freedom Course
In Person: 421 W 54th St
Taught by Steph Rivas
At Fount, our reality is freedom. John 8:38 says that "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." But often, we as believers can find ourselves stuck in the past or in cycles of addiction, unforgiveness, bitterness, low-self image and anxiety. Available this semester for the women of Fount, this seven-week course features original content and stories from the Fount teaching team.