Oh, my God.

Brooklyn Message Audio

“You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name.”
Exodus 20:7

The third commandment isn’t about our speech as much as it is about our sincerity and reverence. It’s easy to get caught up in superficial worship, hypocrisy and self-centeredness, but the commandment to honor God’s name opens us up to a freedom to live in genuine surrender to a heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally. In this week’s Sunday message in Brooklyn, Pastor Ryan Schachter provides four ways in which we can honor the third commandment and bless the name of God in our lives today.

What is the context?

  • Vain in Hebrew is shav (šāw) - which means worthless, empty or inconsequential
  • When God reveals Himself to Moses, he says “I AM THAT I AM”

We honor the third commandment today with…

Our Words

  • How we honor God with our words is seen in both the use words we use about Him and His people 
  • We avoid using God’s name flippantly, in curses, or in selfish gain. The sin of the sons of Sceva is that they were trying to invoke power from God’s name without having a personal relationship with Him. When we use God’s name as a magic trick, we use His name in vain
  • We don’t say “God told me..” if He didn’t tell me and we don’t use what God has said for selfish gain or control 
  • We speak of God with reverence and gratitude in prayer, in public and in private 

Our Actions

  • A life that honors God, at its essence, is total submission to Him and intimacy with Him
  • Bear witness to His name through our testimony and lifestyle
  • Do my actions empty God’s name of its glory or does it magnify it?

Our Commitments

  • Keep promises made in God’s name—whether in marriage, ministry, or service. 
  • Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no”
  • We do not honor God’s name when we say ‘yes’ to something when we really mean no and then end up going back on our commitments 
  • We commit to His Word, we commit to His voice, we commit to His bride.best

Our Worship

  • Honor God in corporate and personal worship, lifting His name in praise. Sing, pray, and live in a way that magnifies His holiness
  • We worship God’s name rightfully when we believe in His Son, worship Him in Spirit and Truth and magnify His name as the Church
  • Jesus models for us what it means to not take the Lord’s name in vain, but instead to bless His name and bring Him the most glory

Additional Resources:

  • Psalm 8:1
  • Psalm 29:2
  • Acts 19:13-20
  • Colossians 3:17
  • Matthew 5:37

Dinner Party Questions:

  1. How was God’s name spoken about in your home growing up? Did that shape how you view and revere Him today?
  2. If God’s name represents His full identity, what does it mean to you personally to be called by His name as a believer?
  3. In what ways do you feel you’ve misrepresented God to others, even unintentionally? How can you actively seek to reflect His character more truthfully?

Put It Into Practice:

  1. Are there areas in your life where you are committing your time to too many things, not able to be true to your word? Take some time in prayer to meditate on how you are currently spending your time, and if it honors the name of God.
  2. Being cultivating a rhythm of worship within your week. Sing, pray, journal, and begin to live in a way that magnifies the holiness of God.

the messages

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