Your Expression of Praise

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness.
They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.
Psalm 145:4-7

Growing up in church was a great experience as a kid—wonderful friendships, being around exciting atmospheres, getting to hear the music, seeing the charisma of those speaking the messages. Being in church from early on in my life really exposed me to how different people and perspectives lend themselves to different displays of giftings in church. Although I understood what I was seeing in others, I never really saw those things the same way in myself.

Fast track to post-college years and looking for what’s next in my career, and I stumbled upon working in production. I didn’t see myself as a creative person, but I did have an understanding of following steps clearly, connecting the dots and being tactical in a hard-working environment. The more I was in it, the more visually inspiring it became, and pretty quickly I fell in love not only with the tactile nature of producing but the presentation of all these technical elements coming together for a unique expression.

In Psalm 145, you will come across different references of how to praise God—declaring, meditating, speaking and singing. And although these instructions are clear and some of the best ways to show our praise to God, what inspired me most was the multitude of expressions of praising God. When I began to fall in love with technical and visuals, I discovered that there was a way I could merge my desire to honor and worship God through this unique calling to the technical arts. I began to see who I was and the specific way things inspire and ignite me, ultimately bringing a sense of purpose that reflects my admiration and reverence for who God is.

So maybe this resonates with you, and there is a unique expression inside you that you haven’t yet connected to how you uniquely praise God. However  encourage you to see that you are specifically created in your gifts and who you are was crafted by God. So let’s praise him in all the ways we can using the divine nature that inspires us to reflect back on the glory and greatness of God.

David Walker

God, help me to see understand my unique perspective and how I can use what has been molded inside of me as an expression for my love and honor towards who are you.