Who is the King of Glory?

Open up, ancient gates!Open up, ancient doors,and let the King of glory enter.Who is the King of glory?The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—he is the King of glory. Interlude
Psalm 24:9-10

When I think about the characteristics of God, I tend to focus on His humility and gentleness. It gives me warm, fuzzy feelings to meditate on His sweetness. I imagine God with me here on Earth in the normality of my own life.

In Psalm 24, David begins by reminding us that the Lord not only created the world and everything within it, but He is in charge of it all. It all belongs to Him. We all belong to Him. These characteristics attribute a lot more awe than “aww.” At the end of verses 6 and 10, there are two interludes (which mean to pause or reflect) so it seems like David also wants us to take a moment and catch our breaths.

He is called the Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle; King of Glory. There is something particularly powerful about reminding my soul who God is in this way. Reading Psalm 24, I imagine myself in God’s throne room, standing to the side of a marvelous procession watching wide-eyed as He enters. God in His majesty, His position, His authority. This is the God who will neither fail nor grow weary. This is the God I can trust with my heaviest battles, because he is powerful and mighty to save. I can lift up my head and open up the ancient doors within my heart to let the King of Glory enter. We can be so comforted that our powerful King is the same sweet Father who holds our whole world in His hands.

Victoria Raemy

Lord, we worship you! You are holy and marvelous; you are the king of Glory! Thank you for your Son who cleans our hands and purifies our hearts, so that we may be close to you. Help us seek you and see you in your totality. Thank you for who you are!