When Praise Goes Public

“Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! Sing about the glory of his name! Tell the world how glorious he is.
Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!
Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me.”
Psalms 66:1-2, 5, 16

Picture a lifeless crowd in a public square. And suddenly, one person in living color comes to the center of the crowd and belts a song of praise about who God is and the miracles he has done. Yes, this is everyone’s song but it’s also personal! The singer testifies about a moment when there was no hope but his or her life was saved. Imagine as praise comes from this person's mouth a wave of living color ripples through the crowd. People begin to see, hear, think and act differently. They are now alive to the wonders of God, and they cannot and will not stop praising!

This is a picture of Psalm 66! Praise in the book of Psalms was rarely a private matter but a public one performed in the temple. It depicts the psalmist imploring all who hear to acknowledge and rejoice about who God is and what he has done.

On August 20, 2017 I walked into my first Fount service at the Music Hall of Williamsburg with shame, addictions, and bondange, but I heard people praising! When praise goes public, you have to respond! My mouth had been zipped shut for years. But God’s grace took my praise public, and with eyes fixed on the person of Jesus, a boy who was selfish, prideful and broken was restored!

Are you in need of a breakthrough? Get around people who genuinely praise God and respond with your praise! Have you been in church for a while but become apathetic, prideful, or numb? Recount the things he has done not just in private but in public, in church, and let your life come alive again.

Kevin Myers

Lord, help us see what you have done through the cross and resurrection! Let us come repentant, honest and humbly to you. Reignite a bold praise in us. Restore our heart cry to you! Thank you for your steadfast love!