Trust Fall

The law of the Lord is perfect,
    refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
    making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right,
    giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant,
    giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure,
    enduring forever.
The decrees of the Lord are firm,
    and all of them are righteous.
Psalm 19:7-9

I recently traveled to Utah to capture content for our Summer of Worship devotional series. On my first day, I decided to embark on a 5 mile hike to Yant Flat, a beautiful candy-colored sandstone rock formation at the base of a mountain. When I first arrived at the trailhead, I was thankful I had a map with me, because the road ahead was not well marked. Even with the map, there were moments where my intuition led me astray and far away from the path that had been laid before me. There were footprints in the dirt which I tried to navigate on my own, but they weren’t aligned with the way experts before me had planned.

Isn’t life like this, though? We try to trust the footprints that the world lays in front of us instead of the very words of life that laid the foundation of the world. But what do we do when the words of God, his character, his precepts, feel untrustworthy? What if our circumstances try to come against the ways of God? What if our questions feel so much larger than the promises he has made to us?

You can trust the narrow way because you can trust the cartographer has good plans for you.

It’s okay to question, because when we search with his holy roadmap in hand, he will gently guide us back to truth, regardless of how far we have wandered. This doesn’t mean the road will be easy—in fact it could even look treacherous. But when you travel difficult roads with God, you will discover the true meaning of his name: Emmanuel, God is with you. He isn’t a Father who keeps far away, but travels the trails with you to a new revelation of his character. Will you trust in him today? Will you take him at his word?

Carter Gekiere

Father, I come to you in repentance for every moment I have failed to put my trust in your unfailing love. I turn my gaze from the idols I often construct in my heart and look to you, the one whom my soul was created for. In you alone are the words of life, so I turn to follow you above all else. Lead me in wisdom to see you in every circumstance, that I would develop a deeper trust in you. Amen.