Praising From the Cave

I will thank you, Lord, among all the people.
I will sing your praises among the nations.
For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May your glory shine over all the earth.
Psalms 57:9-11

Oh how easy it is to run into a cave and isolate myself when the circumstances of life are against me! When writing this Psalm, David is hidden away in a cave whilst being hotly pursued by Saul. David was a man after God’s own heart and undoubtably knew the Lord’s promises of kingship that were prophesied over his life. I can only imagine how confused, afraid, and frustrated he must’ve felt sitting in the cave as his enemy and current king took aim at his life.

But rather than wallow in his own misery or question God’s promise, David chose another method in response to the circumstances. He praised the Lord.

A few months ago, I found myself in a similar cave to David. I was getting incredibly frustrated with my current job, so much so that every day I was at work all I could think about was working anywhere else. Those thoughts led me to hide away in a mental cave, away from the frustrations of work. It was very easy in those moments for me to wallow in self-pity, and I even begin to question if God’s plan was still at work in my life.

But in the same way David praised whilst in the cave, I made the decision to praise the Lord in the midst of my cave. The moment I began to praise God, choosing to focus on him rather than my problem, my mindset shifted. I was reminded of God’s faithfulness and immediately encouraged by his unrelenting love. I professed God’s nature, thanking him for his kindness, and the provision which has never lacked. The more I praised, the smaller my problem shrunk in my mind.The praise didn’t make the problems or circumstances go away in my life.

And the truth is, often times my problems won’t disappear in an instant. But the power of praise comes in and shifts my focus during the moments of fear, stress, and doubt from the problem itself to the enormity and faithfulness of our God. When I praise, I am speaking life to my soul. “Awake, my soul!” David speaks. Will you choose a posture of praise even in pain? 

Nolan Lacombe

I praise you, God, in the midst of my cave. Your faithfulness, goodness, and endless love is bigger and better than any problem I face right now. You will have your way and lead me in victory!