Our Helpline

I lift my eyes up to the mountains—
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
The maker of Heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
He who watches over you will not slumber;
Psalm 121:1-3

Have you ever had a daunting journey set before you? Maybe it was a physical challenge, much like the mountain range the author prepares to climb in Psalm 121. Or maybe the journey was one through difficult relationships, career-related uncertainties, or health issues. I imagine the psalmist as a traveler emerging from his tent, the morning sun cutting through a low mist along a rocky, seemingly impassable slope. Even as he admires the majesty of God’s creation, he is tempted to wallow in the fear and uncertainty of all that those mountains represent.

But he assures himself, and thus all believers, that there is a help available to us that is absolute in its power over anything we face. Again and again, this scripture declares that the Lord is our Keeper, meaning He will be at our side through every step of the trial. Why would we fear the mountain when we serve the God who watches over our every step? In His loving kindness, He gladly keeps watch over our lives, working ceaselessly through every peak and valley to bring about the good plans He has for His children.

We are invited to navigate the challenges of life with an unshakeable confidence in God’s protection and steadfastness. The more we trust in His goodness, the less we have to worry about our circumstances. If we truly believe, as Paul writes in Romans, that God works all things together for good, then we can know that He is fully in control, fully protecting us from the very things the enemy wants us to anxiously obsess over. The Lord wants the best for His children, not only today, but as Psalm 121 ends with, “forevermore.”

Cam Gibbar

Lord, we bless your name and thank you for loving protection. We ask you to grow our faith in the promises you’ve spoken to us, and help us to trust you more completely each and every day. We humbly submit to your will and cherish the truth that you are our keeper as we move through this life. Remind us of your closeness and lead us into a life that looks like a people who know who their ever-watchful father is. We love you Lord. Amen.