How Do I Wait Patiently

I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him.

Psalm 146:3-5

Psalm 40 opens with a dramatic story: David says that he was in a pit "of destruction," that he couldn't escape on his own. In this hopeless situation, God heard David's prayer and lifted him out. Not only that, but He set David's feet upon a rock and put a new song in his mouth, a song of praise to God.

In our lives we may have experienced great joys and hardships, within months of each other. I had a moment in 2018, when we found out Paula was pregnant with our first child. It was a time of great joy and celebration but also at the same time, immense sadness, saying goodbye to my mom after a brutal battle with cancer. Knowing that she would never meet her grandchild. How do we find peace in spite of the events and circumstances in our lives?

We can trust in the Lord. Over the years I have tried to inquire and ask more questions during times of uncertainty and hardship—instead of complaining, asking God, "What is it you are teaching me? How can I learn and lean into your love for me and for the people in my life who are walking through difficult times and situations?"

In Psalm 40, we see the answer, “I waited patiently for the Lord.” This is the hardest thing to do because we want answers that bring about direct results, we want to see the answer today. But what a powerful promise: to wait. In this time of waiting we can diligently, earnestly, perseveringly seek the Lord. Stretch your faith daily to believe that God can move in and through you, no matter what your circumstances are. It is time to set your feet upon the rock, Jesus Christ.

Pastor Mike Lark

Lord, please give me patience and heart to wait on you, for I know that You are near to me and listen to the cries of my heart. I know that You care for me and will guide my steps. You alone are the rock on which I stand. Right now, as I pray, help me to remember Your faithfulness.