He Will Answer, So Why Don't I Call?

”Answer me when I call to you, O God who declares me innocent. Free me from my troubles. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. How long will you people ruin my reputation? How long will you make groundless accusations? How long will you continue your lies? You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to him."
Psalms 4:1-3

I love this. The confidence of David in his relationship with God. He approaches God so boldly, saying “Answer me!” He knows that He is redeemed and declared innocent by God. He knows only God can bring freedom from his troubles. As frustrated as he is at his current situation and as impossible as it may seem in man’s eyes to change, he knows God has set him apart and will answer.

Sometimes in life the things I hold most dear, the things I care most about, the things I want an answer for most, I avoid facing. I know God is faithful, I know God is able, I know God has the answer, so why am I avoiding Him? Am I afraid that the answer is not what I want to hear? Do I feel like He already knows and if He wanted to do something about it He would? If He already knows my heart even more than I do then why do I even need to ask?

If I had a daughter, and she needed something, it would break my heart to see her hide from me and stay hurting all by herself when I was right there. I don’t think it’s even about the answer with God. It’s about the vulnerability to ask. Do I trust Him enough to ask? Do I trust that He cares? Do I want to hear what He has to say about it? What He has to say about me? I think this is part of what it means to truly worship God, to be unashamedly honest with Him. His answers are full of more compassion than I could ever imagine.

Bec Laughton

Dear Lord, thank you that You want me to ask You questions. Thank you that I am not —and will never be—a burden to You. Thank you that You have more beautiful things to say to me than I can imagine. Thank you that You care and nothing is impossible for You. Give me the confidence of David to come to You boldly. May I worship You this summer by trusting You and unashamedly asking You all my deep questions. I want to hear what You have to say. In Jesus name, Amen.