Endless Praise

“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

Luke 19:40

In college, I visited the Philippines with some of my best friends. They thought it would be really cool to hike a mountain to see the sunrise. Begrudgingly, I got up to hike a mountain in the dark at 4 am. Being a Floridian and not used to any sort of incline, the entire trek had me gasping for air. Internally, I was thinking I would much rather be asleep.

Right before we reached the summit, our guides told us to close our eyes so the final view would be a surprise. When I opened my eyes I actually gasped. I felt like I could see the whole province. I was also so keenly aware of how one wrong step and I could be sent tumbling down the mountain. Standing on the top of a mountain can make you feel small in the best kind of way. It was so awe-inspiring that we had to take a moment to thank God. To be so far removed from anything man-made, surrounded by God’s handiwork created a sacred space that made each of us acutely aware of the majesty of God.

In Luke 19:40, the Pharisees try to get Jesus to rebuke His disciples for how loud they were praising God. Jesus responds, “I tell you..if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Creation extols God as it cannot compare to anything man creates. What would it look like if we tried to out-praise the rocks? Not saying this may actually be feasible, but what if our hearts were set in constant praise and admiration just like mountains and the seas that endlessly proclaim the works of the Father? What if this summer as we pursue the secret place every area of our life points others to the goodness of God?

Maddy Lynott

Father, You are mighty and all-powerful. You are to be greatly praised. Help me to slow down to see your goodness that is abundant. As I lean into you this summer, help me to worship you with every moment of my life!  Amen.