Dad to the Rescue

“The minute I said, “I'm slipping, I’m falling,” your love, God,  took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up.”
Psalm 94:18-19

I love taking my 6-year old son, Skyler, on “dude adventures," where I allow him to attempt crazy things, like parkour at the playground, balancing on railings like a tightrope, and trust jumping into my arms off of precarious heights. It’s our version of bonding (not so much for his mother) and we do it often.

We have had some close calls perhaps, but he doesn’t know that. Just as he begins to fall, I swoop in—every time—and catch him, then steady him on his feet again. He sometimes looks up with a mixed look of surprise and relief, and I return it with a look full of love and reassurance. Both faces end with smiles. He has never once questioned if I will catch him when he falls—because I have never let him down.

So it is in our spiritual journey, as we often find ourselves like a child, eager but sometimes unsteady. We make plans, take steps forward, and occasionally we slip. We might stumble due to fear, doubt, anger, or any of the challenges that life throws our way. Yet, just as sure as I catch Skyler, God’s unfailing love supports us. He doesn’t let us fall. His arms are always outstretched, ready to catch us and set us back on our feet once again.

This is the essence of a father’s love—protective, constant, and unwavering. God’s love is like the steady hand of a father, always ready to support. When we feel ourselves slipping, His love is there to catch us. It’s not a love that waits for us to fall just to say, “I told you so.” Instead it’s a love that anticipates our needs, understands our fears, and responds with great but gentle support.

Think about those moments when you have felt unsteady in your faith or unsure of your path. Remember the times you’ve stumbled, whether through personal struggles, difficult decisions, or moments of weakness. In those times, God’s unfailing love is like a father’s steady hand, catching you, supporting you, and helping you stand firm again.

Our Heavenly Father is always there, no matter how many times we fall - or jump. His love is constant. His support is unwavering.


Lord, thank you for being bigger and more consistent than me. Thank you for always catching me when I fall. Help me to remember that you are always present—even when I don’t see you—and ready to step in to set me straight and solid on my journey. Strengthen my faith and keep me secure in your arms, no matter the challenges I face. Amen.