Confident Hope

Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.
When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them.
But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.
He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them.
He keeps every promise forever.
Psalm 146:3-5

I don’t think I'm the only one that feels this way but, I find it to be so frustrating when you buy something you thought was a great investment, later to find out it had a short lifespan, the quality was not what I hoped for, or it was not what the product was made up to be!

We live in a time where brands, media, public figures, people—you name it—are working hard to not only capture your attention, your money, but also your confidence. If you have my confidence, I now allow myself to trust in whatever product they are trying to sell me because I believe they will come through on what they promised.

We live in a world where we’re surrounded by false promises that ultimately leave us empty, unfulfilled, and discontent. For me, prayer and worship are where I allow the Holy Spirit to check my heart and realign the parts of me where my trust is misaligned. Despite knowing I can trust God, in my humanity, I sometimes still look to material things or people for safety and security. But God is faithful to keep His promises to you and me!

I believe the psalmist is highlighting that the thief of joy is rooted in trusting the things of this world, which will always fade away. But true joy and true hope are found in God Himself.

Feeling empty? Weighed down? Hopeless? I pray today we would be honest and vulnerable in our worship and fully surrender every part of our lives and experience true joy from our God who always comes through.

Pastor Luis Guerrero

Father, I confess there are areas in my life that I have not fully trusted you in. Areas where I have looked elsewhere for hope and fulfillment but today I give you every part of me. Every hopeless, anxious and worried thought, I give it to you, and from this moment on, 
I choose to put my full trust in you. Amen.