Beholding Him

And then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea.
They sang:
“Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the one sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.”
Revelations 5:13

When I was a child I marveled at creation and was filled with joy simply by playing outside. If my mom couldn’t find me, chances are I was at the top of our hemlock tree, singing my heart out.  At the same time, I was paralyzed by fear at night.  What if there is an intruder? What if I was kidnapped? I didn’t have a vision for my future that was secure enough to make me feel safe. Life was a mixture of childlike wonder and terror. 

John, the author of Revelation, writes to the seven churches of Asia Minor who were experiencing a similar tension. I imagine they shared in the immense joy of following the Lord together - along with sleepless nights considering their potential execution. There was a war of worship surrounding them: the governmental bodies were commanding citizens to worship the emperor, persecuting and killing followers of the Way for their persistent worship of Jesus. John’s purpose in sharing these symbolic, apocalyptic revelations was to give them a vision of their true aim and end, one that would bring a security far greater than one they could create. To encourage them to see what is true in the Spirit, to remain devoted, and to understand in their hearts who their glorious God is: the ultimate Victor over all evil and darkness in the world. 

What does this verse teach us? Beholding Him is the answer to our fears, worship is our inevitable response. There is no darkness, no suffering, no evil that can overcome one who believes in the Lord. 

This encourages the little girl in me who sometimes still fears at night. Should old fears come to wake me from my sleep, I will imagine this: a unanimous, surround-sound chorus of all peoples and creatures resounding together that the Lord sits enthroned with all praise, honor, glory and power, forever. 

Pastor Kathryn Myers

Lord, may this song of praise resound above me, below me, before me, behind me, beside me and within me, reminding me that with you is all praise, honor, glory and power. May it fill me with an inexpressible and glorious hope, eliminating all other fears. Amen