A New Song to Sing

Sing a new song to the Lord,for he has done wonderful deeds.His right hand has won a mighty victory;his holy arm has shown his saving power!He has remembered his promise to love and be faithful to Israel.The ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.‭‭
Psalms‬ ‭98‬:‭1‬,3‬

Whether we are able to see it or not, God is always at work. We serve a God who does not slumber and does not tire—especially when it comes to working things together for the good of His children. The reality is that, as humans, we have such a limited scope of what is actually at play and the reasons why things happen the way they do. His sovereignty is above our thinking and all of our ways and honestly, thank God for that.

Although it can be so easy to get caught up in the immediate and the heaviness of a certain situation or season, we have to be mindful to not stay in the muck of discouragement and remind ourselves of the victory we’ve already been given through Jesus. That alone is enough to rejoice in. I find in seasons of waiting, it is crucial to remind your spirit of His faithfulness in your life to refuel your hope for what is to come.

I was recently in a season of waiting for a new job after being unemployed for about a year. This came at a very vulnerable time in my life as I had just had my daughter and I feared what this would mean for myself and my family. After countless interviews and rejection emails, I caught myself questioning my worth and if God was really working on my behalf in this area. But before I got in too deep, I had to remind myself of His faithfulness in every other season. If God had taken care of my needs before, if He had exceeded my expectations in other areas, why would I believe He would hold out now?

Though it was challenging, I chose to sing a new song. I decided to go to faith instead and thank Him for all He had already worked together for my good, praising Him in advance for the victories I didn’t see yet. God eventually opened a door to a position at a company that was way better than anything I had interviewed or hoped to get previously and is not just a fit for me professionally, but for our family life as well. God knew what I needed it and when I needed it.

God is in the business of doing a new thing and doing it in a new way. This is not to say we don’t come honestly to God about how we feel, but we can still choose to sing a new song. We can choose to sing a song of gratitude and victory for what He has already done while the things you hope for are pending. We can choose to rejoice in His faithfulness and how He is the only thing in this life that is unchanging. We can sing a new song because while Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, His mercies are new every morning and every morning He has new mercies for our same needs.

Ps Janynne Schlachter

Jesus, thank you for being the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you that our hope does not come from our circumstances, but in your unchanging character and faithfulness. Help us to lift our hope to believe there are new victories you are working on our behalf as we wait for those new victories, to lift a new song to thank you for what you’ve already done. Amen.