Sacrifice of Praise

“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”
Hebrews 13:15

When I was younger, and heard the phrase, “sacrifice of praise,” I really didn't understand it. I would wonder “Why would praising God ever be considered a sacrifice?” Calling praise a sacrifice always seemed negative to me. It felt daunting to offer, or depleting even. As I've matured, I've come to understand it a bit differently.

This type of sacrifice, you will find stated throughout the Psalms. It is not to be confused with the usual animal sacrifice in the Bible which had many purposes, but were often offered as a proper atonement for sin. This particular sacrificial praise exemplifies something deeper, that goes beyond means or circumstance. It pertains to the matter of our heart, showing up consistently in our thanks to him. It expresses that through anything and because of everything, we are able to give God an unrestricted praise. This is a praise that doesn’t need contemplation or provocation. Although a sacrifice of praise at times can still appear inconvenient, as other sacrifices do, it is symbolic of a love without borders and an active trust that isn't limited. It is to give of yourself continually, regardless of parameters.

As a person who wears many hats in my personal life, I feel like I understand sacrifice well. Yet this is still quite the conundrum. You have to understand how to offer something continuously without limits. It is a heart posture that isn’t based on a feeling and doesn’t come naturally. Let me explain! It is the natural proclivity of humans to do things based on how we feel or how it will serve us. If a person isn’t responding to our text, we block them on social media. If a friend hasn’t called us in our toughest time, their friendship may not feel genuine anymore. However, to give adoration, support, or to show others gratitude regardless of our disposition, takes much heart and spirit. As we consistently show up bringing him our limitations we develop the heart and our sacrifice becomes our greatest joy. Whenever I am having a tough day, I find that I gain joy during the process, by thanking Jesus through it all. I want to show up with my whole heart everyday, not only when it is convenient. God I will offer you sacrifices of praise, always.

Tameeka Walker

God, we declare your works with rejoicing. We give you thanks in all things. May our vows of adoration be pleasing to you. We pray our offerings of praise bring glory to your name, Amen.